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Clinic Appointment 044-7102 6600, +91-7667999725 ( 9am - 5pm)

YRGCARE is a non-profit based in Chennai, established in 1993 by Suniti Solomon, credited with documenting the first case of HIV in India (1986). Since inception, YRGCARE focuses on offering non-stigmatising, high quality services to those with or at risk for HIV. The organisation has a team of over 1500 people involved in various program deliveries, multiple research implementations, core lab sciences, and treatment trials, across India offering quality care and diagnostic inputs.

focus areas

People we serve

People Living with HIV

People Living with HIV

People Who Inject Drugs

People Who Inject Drugs

People Who Use Drugs

People Who Use Drugs

Men who have Sex with Men

Men who have Sex with Men


People who are Incarcerated







Men & Women

Men & Women



Impact Statements


lives touched till date


partners from across the globe


Projects and Programs currently active


sites pan India

Our Founder


Mr. Mukund Gosavi

Mukund Gosavi

Founder, Mukti Foundation, Maharashtra

"I came across Project MOMENTUM Routine Immunization by USAID and JSI India in newspapers. When I approached the YRGCARE team working with this project in Jalgaon, they offered their immediate and complete support in organising a COVID-19 vaccination camp for our people. I thank them for their efforts."

Mr. Tim Bethune

Tim Bethune

Director of Programs and Growth, SeriousFun Children’s Network

“Our partnership with YRGCARE is critical in helping SeriousFun Children’s Network carry out its mission. Over our 10+ years of camp partnership, and as Camp Rainbow expands to benefit more children and their families, the team at YRGCARE consistently prioritizes the unique needs of every participant so they can have the greatest impact possible.”

Mr. Richard Gere

Richard Gere,

American Actor

“This has been my second visit to YRG CARE, an institution that I find to be shaping India's response to HIV/AIDS in a most comprehensive and commendable manner. I urge each and every person to contribute in whatever way possible, as a collective response to one of the greatest health challenges of our time.”