YRGCARE has been invested in clinical research over the past two decades, in step with the evolution of research practices, bioethics and regulatory requirements. Our collaborators range from budding researchers blazing their own trail to historically renowned institutes of excellence in India (ICMR, NIRT, NIE, NARI) and overseas. Internationally, we have strengthened and allied our expertise with research organizations (NIH, IAVI, and more) committed to India-centric research that aligns with an overarching vision to alleviate current global health challenges. We undertake translational research; invite questions via community outreach, examine the epidemiology, study social challenges, generate real-world data and investigate better implementation practices to offer equitable preemptive and prescriptive healthcare.

Clinical Research
At YRGCARE, clinical research provides us the distinctive opportunity to reflect and revise our clinical services routinely. Over two decades, we have honoured sponsor requirements and kept pace with the scientific rigor of research that often demands exceptional standards of commitment for ethical conduct of clinical trials.
Impact of DAA scale-up on HCV RNA prevalence in a community of PWID in Imphal, India. A sero-epidemiology and modelling study.

Laboratory Research
Our work primarily spans molecular biology, immunology, and microbiology, focussing on infectious diseases like HIV, HCV, TB. Our scientists work on complex issues such as antimicrobial resistance, HIV latency, transmission, and viral infection immunobiology, which significantly impact community healthcare.
Study on the Hepatitis B virus vaccine response among HIV-1 infected individuals – A Multicentre study

Community Research
We track the dynamics of infectious diseases and evolving epidemiology of emerging pathogens in diverse epidemic settings. Epidemiological studies are supported by experts in anthropology, bioinformatics, data science, health policy and economics.
Key researchers
Publication View all
02 Apr 2019
Integrated HIV testing, prevention, and treatment intervention for key populations in India: a cluster-randomised trial.Solomon SS, Solomon S, McFall AM, Srikrishnan AK, Anand S, Verma V, Vasudevan CK, Balakrishnan P, Ogburn EL, Moulton LH, Kumar MS, Sachdeva KS, Laeyendecker O, Celentano DD, Lucas GM, Mehta SH; Indian National Collaboration on AIDS Study.
21 Apr 2023
A mixture model to estimate SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Chennai, India.Hitchings MDT, Patel EU, Khan R, Srikrishnan AK, Anderson M, Kumar KS, Wesolowski AP, Iqbal SH, Rodgers MA, Mehta SH, Cloherty G, Cummings DAT, Solomon SS.
06 Aug 2021
Humane shelter at home: a call to reimagine a core pandemic intervention.Subbaraman R, Ganapathi L, Mukherjee B, Bloom DE, Solomon SS.