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The Untold Role of Traditions Their Impact on Boys, girls in Teen Pregnancies: Tradition, Trust and Change

Jan 2025
The Untold Role of Traditions Their Impact on Boys, girls in Teen Pregnancies: Tradition, Trust and Change

How cultural and societal expectations in India influence the decisions and challenges faced by young pregnant women

Tradition is like the air we breathe in India—unseen yet profoundly felt. It is interwoven into every facet of life, from the festivals we celebrate to the choices we make. But have you ever considered how much these inherited norms influence our lives? Especially for young people, these traditions can often seem like both a safety net and a cage.

The Weight of Family Honor

In Indian society, family honour is not just a concept—it’s an unspoken rule governing many choices. For young women, particularly those who become pregnant outside of marriage, this can mean navigating a maze of expectations. Families may view the pregnancy as a "shameful" secret, one that threatens their social standing. Often, decisions about whether to continue the pregnancy or opt for an alternative are influenced more by what “others will think” than the young woman’s desires and feelings.

Let us pause and ask….

Have you ever wondered how much of your choices are truly yours and how many are shaped by the people around you?

Gender Inequities: The Unseen Chains

Despite progress in education and career opportunities for women, gender inequity remains a cornerstone of traditional Indian society. Young girls are often raised to believe their ultimate worth lies in their roles as daughters, wives, and mothers. In the context of teen pregnancy, this inequity becomes glaring. Boys are often shielded from accountability, while girl faces social judgment, emotional burdens, and even isolation.

Let us take a moment to pause and ask….Why do traditions often place the weight of “honour” on women’s shoulders? Could there be another way to balance this equation?

Breaking the Cycle: Redefining Male Responsibility in Teen Pregnancies

Tradition often plays a subtle yet profound role in shaping the decisions and actions of young men when confronted with the responsibility of an unexpected pregnancy. In many cases, male partners may find themselves caught between modern relationships' expectations and societal norms' weight. While the relationship may have been built on mutual trust and choice, the moment a pregnancy becomes a reality, the burden disproportionately shifts to the girl, leaving the boy struggling to navigate his role in this life-altering situation. For the male partner, the decision to Taking responsibility often conflicts with deeply ingrained traditions that dictate family honour, societal perceptions, and personal aspirations. In many instances, young men may choose to distance themselves, fearing the implications of involving their families or being labelled as transgressors of societal boundaries. The notion of "moving forward" with the relationship or supporting the girl during a vulnerable time is frequently overshadowed by the stigma and judgment they anticipate from their own community and family.

Interestingly, this behaviour is not always rooted in a lack of care or affection for their partner. Instead, it often stems from their internal conflict—facing the societal consequences of breaking traditional norms versus standing by their partner. Traditions that place an unequal burden on women also dictate the male response, where shirking responsibility can feel like the "safer" option, leaving the girl to bear the brunt of the pregnancy alone.

The reality is that boys and men in such situations play a pivotal role. Beyond merely providing emotional support, their involvement could include engaging their families, challenging stereotypes, and fostering a protective environment for the girl who now faces societal and personal pressures. However, traditions, especially in patriarchal systems, often dictate otherwise, discouraging young men from stepping up and framing the pregnancy as entirely the girl’s responsibility.

This highlights an urgent need to shift perspectives—not by erasing traditions but by evolving them to reflect fairness, shared responsibility, and compassion. Could we, as a society, encourage young men to see themselves not as individuals shamed by tradition but as protectors who uphold the values of trust and honour in their relationships? Could families be more open to supporting both parties, breaking the cycle of shame and isolation often faced by girls?

It’s a complex issue, but the answer lies in creating spaces for dialogue, education, and understanding—where tradition evolves to guide, not confine, and where responsibility is shared, not shifted.

Let us pause and ask….

Can we create a culture where men feel empowered to stand by their partners, challenging the norms that push them away instead of pulling them closer to shared responsibility?

Modern Thoughts vs. Deep-Rooted Norms

India presents a fascinating paradox. On one hand, urban youth embrace global concepts of independence and equality, while on the other, they may find themselves bound by age-old expectations. For a young pregnant woman, this duality can be disorienting. She may feel torn between pursuing independence and fulfilling her family’s desires. Traditions surrounding marriage and motherhood continue to dictate how society perceives her situation, even as she dreams of carving her own path.

Let us pause and ask…

How do you navigate the push and pull of modern ideas and traditional expectations in your own life?

The Power of Community and Religion

Communities and religious institutions play a significant role in shaping perceptions of teen pregnancy. Often, they reinforce the notion that motherhood outside of marriage is a moral failure, making it more difficult for young women to seek help. At the same time, these institutions have the potential to be sources of support, providing guidance, counselling, and even financial aid. The question is whether these platforms will choose compassion over judgment.

Let us pause and ask…..

Can community spaces evolve to be more understanding? What role can you play in creating that change?

Parental Influence: Love or Control?

Parents in India are often deeply involved in their children’s lives, providing both emotional and financial support. While this involvement can be a blessing, it can also become a means of control. Her parents’ fears and desires frequently override a young girl’s decisions during an unexpected pregnancy. This motivation doesn’t always stem from malice—parents genuinely wish to protect their children. However, the question remains: who truly has the right to determine the course of her future life?

Let us pause and ask….

What would happen if young people and their families worked together to find solutions rather than imposing them?

Tradition as a Double-Edged Sword

Traditions are neither inherently good nor bad; they merely reflect collective beliefs. In some instances, they provide a sense of identity and belonging; in others, they serve as barriers to progress. For young women facing the challenges of teen pregnancy, traditions can feel like both a safety net and a shackle. The challenge lies in balancing honouring the past while making room for the future.

Let us pause and ask…

Do traditions have to define us completely, or can we use them as a foundation to build something new?

A Call for Change

The truth is, young women facing teen pregnancy in India don’t just need solutions—they need understanding. They need families who will listen, communities that will support them, and a society that views them as more than their circumstances. Tradition cannot be erased overnight, but it can be reimagined to provide support rather than stifle.

Let us pause and ask…..

Are you ready to be part of that change? How can you challenge outdated norms while respecting the essence of tradition?

Quote to Close:

“Tradition is not a prison—it’s a foundation. Build on it, shape it, and make it your own.”

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